Online Registration for Part-Time Learning
Continuing Education
Online Learning
BROWSING >Online Learning>Teacher Education

Click on the following courses for detail information

OL 015 Transition Planning
OL 026 Instructional Design for Online Learning
OL 197 Wellness for Children
OL 202 Children with Special Needs
OL 218 Interpersonal Communications
OL 232 Learning Strategies
OL 241 Early Childhood Education Practices Introduction
OL 245 Guidance of the Young Child
OL 248 Child Development II
OL 249 Child Development I
OL 298 Classroom Skills
OL 325 Partnerships with Families
OL 330 Personal & Interpersonal Dynamics
OL 550 Adult Learning
OL 551 Family Dynamics
OL 552 Adults with Learning Disabilities
OL 554 Inclusion and Diversity
OL 558 Curriculum Development
OL 560 Instructional Techniques
OL 561 Instructional Technology in Adult Education
OL 563 Learning, Thinking and Problem Solving
OL 580 Philosophies of ECE
OL 585 Assessment & Evaluation
OL 587 Behaviour and Mental Health Exceptionalities
OL 589 Manage a Diverse Learning Environment
OL 633 Universal Design for Learning and Access for Online Learning
OL 650 LMS Platforms
OL 676 Behavioural Skills Building
OL 737 Technology in Education
OL 763 Quality Assurance and Course Evaluation
OL 764 Special Topics in Course Design
OL 780 Course Design for Hybrid Delivery
OL 785 Digital Pedagogy